Prayer for Praising

Lord of every people: hear our voices, our mouths now filled with thanks for Your endless love. With many names, we raise a single prayer, saying: You are strength, You are wisdom, You are the only justice.

If we call Your name in anger, make still our raging shout. Let Your word pierce the clamor of our lives. Unclench our fists, and let us hold in open palms the gift of life You are. Take from us the bitter taste of vengeance. Turn our eyes towards peace again, and the healing of our wounds.

Accusers and accused, unite us in Your mercy that we may free each other from the bondage of our hate. Let us walk the earth as those who honor what Your hand has shaped. Keep us from all violence, the ravage of despair, the winds that bring the fire and ice.

If hunger stalks our young, help feed the mouths that call Your name. Be shelter for the orphaned, and those of us who find in death the only sanctuary. If our children know the lion, help us bring them to the lamb. If they are born at night let them live until the dawn.

Lord of all tomorrows, You are brilliant in our eyes as the sun to Him who left the tomb and stepped into the morning.

You, who gave light to a million stars, accept from us the candleflame, the love of human hearts.

Copyright 2004 Jody Serey. All Rights Reserved.