by Jody | Family, Human Condition
When my kids were young, my daughter described her dreams as “night movies.” I liked the term, and tucked it away for future use. I usually don’t remember dreams, but I have had a couple that were more revelations than post-pizza epiphanies. Last...
by Jody | Arizona Life, Human Condition
When I was in junior high, they segregated the boys and the girls for health class. We didn’t particularly care for the arrangement, because half the fun of health class was watching each other make fun of the charts of the human body. However, one morning there...
by Jody | Arizona Life, Family, Human Condition
We observed the holiday for two days this year — on Sunday and Monday. Joe was able to get home for the weekend, and we all spent time in the pool and sitting around talking and eating. It was an informal, virtually unplanned, and absolutely organic period of...
by Jody | Arizona Life, Family, Human Condition
I prefer small cafes and neighborhood diners to “good” restaurants, and David knows this. So we celebrated Mother’s Day at a local place that is a short drive from where we live. It was a sunny day, and it was heating up fast. On the bus stop in...
by Jody | Family, Human Condition
When I started college in the 1960s, birth control was not available anywhere from anyone for any reason, unless you were married. Period. The pill had been released to the public, but the public needed to be in conventional unions sanctioned by society in general....
by Jody | Arizona Life, Human Condition
The other day, I stood in a checkout line at a department store with a pair of shoes in my hand. Across from me at the other register, two people waited their turns. One was a young man, muscular and tattooed. The other was a middle-aged woman who had cerebral palsy....